Crazy details: The contest begins now and will run until I hit 3,000 followers on Twitter . If a miracle occurs and I hit 3K like yesterday, then please note the ARC will be provided as soon as it is available. We are assuming it will take a bit to hit 3,000 followers, and by then my ARC will be shiny and perfect and ready to send to the winner. As this will be the first ARC provided, I ask that the winner limit detailed reviews of the book to closer to the release date if possible To enter do one of the following: Become a new follower on Twitter . “Like” my Facebook author page Add GRAVITY and friend me on Goodreads If you rock like a superstar and have already done all the above then just retweet the contest. And to make it super simple, I've added a widget. Awesome, right? Please use the below widget to enter this contest. I'm so excited to get GRAVITY into the world. I hope you'll join me in the fun!
believer in the make-believe (aka AUTHOR)